Installation ============ .. meta:: :description lang=en: Installation requirements are automatically handled during the setup. In order to run the tutorials you may need to install one of the supported finite element backends. Prerequisites ------------- Installation requirements are automatically handled during the setup. In order to run the tutorials you may need to install one of the supported finite element backends, namely `dolfinx `__ and `firedrake `__. Installation and usage ---------------------- Simply clone the **viskex** public repository: .. code-block:: console git clone and install the package by typing .. code-block:: console cd viskex python3 -m pip install '.[tutorials]' External libraries used for plotting ------------------------------------ 1D plots are provided by :code:`plotly`, while 2D/3D plots are rendered with :code:`pyvista` using :code:`trame`. The default :code:`pyvista` backend is :code:`client` when running in JupyterLab, and :code:`html` when running on Google Colab or Kaggle. Users can customize the active :code:`pyvista` backend by exporting the environment variable :code:`VISKEX_PYVISTA_BACKEND`: such operation is typically not required, with the only notable exceptions being testing different :code:`pyvista` backends on CI, or exporting notebooks to html via :code:`nbconvert`. Compatibility with upstream releases ------------------------------------ The :code:`main` branch of **viskex** targets the :code:`main` branch of :code:`dolfinx` and :code:`firedrake`, which may contain API changes compared to the latest release of the finite element backend. A new **viskex** version is not necessarily tagged alongside :code:`dolfinx` or :code:`firedrake` releases. Users willing to work with a fixed release of the finite element backend are encouraged to look for a **viskex** `commit `__ close to the upstream release date, and do a .. code-block:: console git checkout {commit SHA} before installing **viskex**.